we break
boundaries, tear
down walls and build on
foundations of goodness
inside each of us. May we look
past differences,gain understanding,
and embrace acceptance,May we reach
out to each other, rather than resist. May
we be better stewards of the earth, protecting,
nurturing, and replenishing the beauties of nature.
May we practice gratitude for all we have, rather than
concern ourselves about our needs. May we seek cures
for the sick, help for the hungry and homeless, and love for
the lonely.
May we
share our
talents, give our time, and teach our children. May we hold hope for the future that fills our hearts and do all we can to build for bright tomorrows. And may we LOVE with our whole hearts, for that is the only way to love.
Please feel free to share your friends and family for something extra special this season~
~A gift they will always remember~
CLEAR BLU~e Spray 2oz. $20
RENEW is coming soon.
Lemurian Smudge Fans with Soul Reading and Blessing $44
Hand Painted Sacred Geometry Mandalas with Intuitive Reading $88
Intuitive Readings for the New Year $25 for 15 minutes with MP3
Beautiful Gift Certificates
Please feel free to go online at to see photos under products.
Brightest Blessings~
January 28th & 29th workshop BLU~e™ Level 1 with Certification
February 25th & 26th Level 2 begins
New Psychic Development classes and Creative Spiritual Workshops & Gatherings
are beginning in the New Year. Get ready to expand even more!